
Researchers from the Bioengineering Institute of Technology (BIT) receive an award for the best article in the Bioactive Materials journal

The prestigious scientific publication has awarded the prize to the article written by María Godoy and Román Pérez, first author and PI, respectively, and lecturers of the Department of Basic Sciences of UIC Barcelona. 

Antibacterial approaches in tissue engineering using metal ions and nanoparticles: From mechanisms to applications”, is published in the journal Bioactive Materials and is a comprehensive review of the use made of metals, ions and, more recently, nanomaterials with improved antimicrobial properties to minimize the risk of bacterial infection and how the combination of these has the potential to decrease or eliminate unwanted bacteria. 

The work, led by Román Pérez, director of the Bioengineering Institute of Technology (BIT), was jointly carried out with other researchers from the BIT and the Department of Basic Sciences. It has received special recognition from the scientific journal for having been cited more than 150 times since its publication in December 2021.

The journal’s Best Paper Award is selected by a committee of experienced community members who review all submissions and select the best articles from Bioactive Materials based on potential impact to society and significant contribution to the field of bioactive materials.

The main author of the article is researcher María Godoy, who has the Beatriu de Pinós grant, and the main researcher is Román Pérez, director and researcher of BIT with the Ramon y Cajal grant, who has been recently recognised by the prestigious Stanford University’s ‘World’s Top 2% Scientists’ ranking for the impact of their publications on biomaterials for tissue regeneration.


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