
Researchers from the Nursing Department participate in the second phase of the project “A New Agenda for Nurse Educator Education in Europe”

Funded by the Erasmus+ programme, the project aims to analyse the current situation of nurse educators in Europe and to propose improvements in their education.


In July, the training course for nurse educators was completed, as part of the project “A New Agenda for Nurse Educator Education in Europe” (New Nurse Educator cod: 2020-1-FI01-KA203-066590), in which researchers from the UIC Barcelona Department of Nursing participated.

Funded by the Erasmus+ programme, the project aims to describe the current situation in Europe of nurse educator competencies, with specific attention to the need for continuing education. At the same time, the project also is committed to develop, implement, and evaluate transnational harmonisation. The results obtained will enable the project participants to define common recommendations for the nurse educator education in Europe.

UIC Barcelona is participating in this research and development project along with different universities in six countries: University of Turku (Finland), University of Eastern Finland, University of Malta, the University of Edinburgh (Scotland), Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (Slovakia) and the University Charité (Germany).

Phase one of the nurse educator education programme, “Empowering the nurse educators in the changing world,” with a total of 30 ECTS credits, which ended in July, was tested and piloted. During the conduct of phase one, several teachers from the participating universities spent time as students at collaborating universities in Finland, Edinburgh, Malta and Berlin. The Sant Cugat Campus at UIC Barcelona hosted three teachers from Finland and Germany who participated as educators in the Department of Nursing and the Department of Physiotherapy.

The next phase of the project, which ends in 2023, is beginning now, and the results will be analysed and disseminated.



Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)