
Review and Future at UIC University Council Meeting

On Friday, 19 July 2013, the University Council Meeting marking the close of the academic year was held in the UIC main lecture hall. At the meeting, aimed at the UIC teaching and administrative staff, the academic year was reviewed and university's future projects were presented. New appointments were also announced, including the replacements for two deans and the ESARQ Board of Directors.

The ceremony was opened by UIC Rector Pere Alavedra, who praised the joint effort made during the academic year and emphasized the need for excellence and networking. “Today’s society needs people with strong attitudes and capabilities”, he said. “An organization only works if it is rooted in a sense of community. If we want to stand out, we have to work together to form teams and network”, he said.

The rector was followed by Dr. Jaume Armengou, the Vice Rector for Academic Organization and the Teaching Staff; Dr. Frederic Marimon, the Vice Rector for Research; Dr. Belén Zárate, the Vice Rector for the University Community; and Alberto Canals, the UIC Manager. All of them assessed their areas and emphasized the lines of action laid out by the UIC Strategic Plan.

Belén Castro, the General Secretary, announced the appointments and renewals of the faculty boards for the following academic year.

Dr. Enric Vidal was appointed to replace Dr. Albert Arbós as the Dean of the Faculty of Education and Dr. Jaume Camps will replace Dr. Mireia Tintoré as the Vice Dean of the faculty.

The renewal of the board of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences was also announced. Dr. Toni Mora, until now the Vice Dean of the faculty, was appointed the new dean and will replace Dr. Miquel Bastons. Dr. Pedro García del Barrio was appointed Vice Dean.

Xavier Corbella was appointed Vice Dean of Master’s and Postgraduate Programmes and Institutional Relations in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Finally, Pere Vall is to replace Vicenç Sarrablo as the Director of the ESARQ School of Architecture. Álvaro Cuéllar was appointed Assistant Director of the Teaching Staff, Marta Benages was appointed Head of Studies and Carmen Mendoza was appointed Assistant Director and Head of Institutional Relations.

Following the announcements, silver medals were awarded to ten people who have been working at the UIC for ten years.

Josep M. Pujol, the President of the Catalan Family Foundation, closed the meeting with a speech in which he reviewed the fifteen years since the UIC’s founding and discussed the university’s future emphasizing the need to “strive for excellence”.