
Ricardo Jiménez gives a seminar on legal language at the Universidad Católica del Norte (Chile)

The lecturer from the Faculty of Law at UIC Barcelona spoke about ‘Proposals on legal language’ via video conference to 90 students in their first year of the Bachelor’s Degree in Law and the Chilean university about the characteristics of this language

Ricardo Jiménez discussed the characteristics of legal language in an online seminar given at the Universidad Católica del Norte (Chile) titled ‘Proposals on legal language’. The session was streamed by 90 students in their first year of the Bachelor’s Degree in Law at the Chilean university and included a practical exercise in which students analysed legal texts provided by Jiménez.

The talk was given as part of a subject taught by lecturer Paulina Meza, who will, at a later date, give another talk on legal writing to students from the Faculty of Law at UIC Barcelona.

Following these two seminars, the two lecturers Jiménez and Meza will jointly investigate different aspects of legal language.