
Ricardo Jiménez Presents Results of Teaching Experiment at International Conference

Ricardo Jiménez, a lecturer in the Faculty of Law, participated in the 15th International Conference of the Spanish Association of Language and Literature Education with a paper on a teaching experiment on metadiscourse with students in their first year in Humanities and Cultural Studies at the UIC.

The conference was held at the Universitat de València with the aim of establishing professional ties between the fields of language and literature education at all educational levels and in all training contexts, disseminating research in the field of literature and language education, encouraging innovation in teaching, and promoting initiatives that help improve and develop the field.

During his lecture, Prof. Jiménez described the classroom teaching experiment. The aim was to teach students to formulate arguments that are coherent, cohesive, grammatically correct and persuasive. The students were able to learn the basics of rhetoric, the three forms of audience persuasion (logos, ethos and pathos) and the strategies of written arguments. According to Prof. Jiménez, “This experiment confirms that the metadiscourse theory associated with the three forms of audience persuasion can be used to teach students to produce effective written arguments”.