
Rita Cavallotti, co-editor of a new book from the IsFamily Santander Chair

The Director of Research for the Institute for Family Studies (UIC Barcelona), Rita Cavallotti, has published a new book entitled Ageing and Intergenerational Family Solidarity in Spain.

The book has been published in co-edition with Donatella Bramanti, lecturer in Sociology at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan). The book looks at two highly topical subjects: population ageing and inter-generational relationships within the family.

Among the contributions of various specialists to the book, two studies are of particular interest: one on active ageing, entitled "L'allungamento della vita. A risorsa per la famiglia, a'opportunità per la società" (Longer Lives. A Resource for the Family, an Opportunity for Society.” by Centro di Ateneo Studi e Ricerche Sulla Famiglia, of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, and another, entitled "Padres mayores, generaciones y solidaridad familiar. Un análisis multinivel del caso español” (Elderly Parents, Generations and Family Solidarity. A Multilevel analysis of the Spanish Case", developed by researchers at the Institute for Family Studies of UIC Barcelona. The book is published by Thomson Reuters Aranzadi.