
Round table panel on social economy, as part of the Social and Solidarity Economy programme of the Generalitat de Catalunya

On 3 October, the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences organised the round table panel on “Stories of Three social enterprise success stories,” with testimonies from Ana Artazcoz Sastre from Moltacte; Albert Riera Sans i Mariona Martí from La Fageda, and Anna Cornudella Giral from Espigoladors.

The book Creación y gestión de empresas sociales: Teoría y casos prácticos resueltos [Creating and Managing Social Enterprises: Theory and Case Studies Solved] was also presented, promoted by UIC Barcelona, together with UPF Barcelona School of Management, EADA Business School and Tandem Social. The event was carried out as part of the Social and Solidarity Economy Programme of the Generalitat de Catalunya. With this round table panel, which was part of a series of four round table panels, UIC Barcelona wants to continue to bring the solidarity-based social economy closer to the educational and university world.

You can watch these sessions on the University's YouTube channel:

-Challenges of Purpose-driven Businesses: https://youtu.be/qV2jQ1xRh3o
-Financing with Social Impact: https://youtu.be/VTGLV4sgLcQ
-Presentation of the book "Creating and Managing Social Enterprises. Theory and Management of Social Enterprises":  https://youtu.be/VPu4gLFj0I0
-Measuring Social Impact: https://youtu.be/6pQxw81XN1g

You can also find more information about the project on the UIC Barcelona Social and Solidarity Economics Programme website.