
Sarrablo Presents Use of Ceramic Sheets on Colombian Façades

Dr. Vicenç Sarrablo, the director of the UIC ESARQ School of Architecture, gave a presentation titled "The Revolution in Building Façades: Goodbye, Brick Laying; Welcome, Ceramic Sheets" at TECNOCONSTRUCCIÓN 2012: International Meeting of Innovation and Advanced Technology, which took place from Wednesday to Saturday, 14-17 November 2012, in Colombia.

In his presentation, Sarrablo discussed some of the
results of the research he carries out in the UIC ASCER Ceramic Studies
Department. A revolutionary technology went into producing an industrialized
system of flexible ceramic sheets used to construct cladding and laminar
structures. These large-format sheets are created with an innovative system of
woven steel with fired-clay pieces and can be used to form any curved shape.
They can be used to create combinations of patterns with great speed,
reliability, savings and customized design in a variety of materials.

The conference, organized for over 600 people,
including presidents, directors and managers of construction companies in
Colombia and Latin America, focused on the latest technological advances in
construction. TECNOCONSTRUCCIÓN 2012: International Meeting of Innovation and
Advanced Technology was organized by the Colombian Chamber of Construction
(CAMACOL), the Valle Chamber of Construction and the Pacific Valley Events
Centre, with the support of the International Finance Corporation.