
For the second consecutive year, the Executive Education Forum UIC Barcelona 2022 - Challenges in Health has managed to bridge the gap between the corporate and university worlds

60 experts spend three days analysing the challenges facing the health sector from a 360º approach at the 2nd Executive Education Forum UIC Barcelona - Challenges in Health.

UIC Barcelona has held its second Executive Education Forum UIC Barcelona, focusing this year on challenges in the field of health. Held online once again, 60 speakers took part in round table discussions on 4, 5 and 6 May. Following the success of the first Forum, this year’s event brought together professionals, researchers and recognised names from national and international corporations, as well as entrepreneurs who have launched successful businesses.

The Executive Education Forum - Challenges in Health, has provided new ways of understanding knowledge and research in areas related to the health sciences sector, in turn related to the day-to-day running of the business sector. Under the subtitle Challenges in Health, ten round tables and a keynote speech were held over three days to encourage participants to reflect on the sector's current issues: infectious diseases, effective health management, entrepreneurship and investment.

Designed with an international scope, aimed at the academic world, and with the objective of linking this with the business world, the Forum attracted attendees from a wide range of fields, as well as UIC Barcelona students, especially from the biosanitary field. 

At the opening of the Forum, Meritxell Budó, Secretary for Health Care and Participation of the Catalan Government, stressed that “this conference will open a door to the exchange of exceptional knowledge in health that will bring us closer to a more inclusive, efficient and sustainable society”. 

Then, to round off the second day of the forum, Dr Josep Argemí, rector emeritus of UIC Barcelona and full professor of Paediatrics, introduced by the renowned Dr Rafael I. Barraquer, medical director of the Barraquer Ophthalmology Centre, delved into the most abstract aspect of the meeting: transhumanism. During his almost sixty-minute talk, Dr Argemí addressed the more human side of medical research and knowledge with a delicate firmness. 

During the congress, all the round tables and presentations were related to the subjects covered by each of the UIC Barcelona master's degrees in health sciences.