
The second edition of the Experience Campus launches online

A total of 25 students enrolled on the introductory module of the UIC Barcelona Experience Campus began classes last Tuesday, 5 May. Although they did so virtually due to the exceptional situation caused by COVID-19, the first session was a success, according to director Jordi Miralbell.

All students enrolled on this course will take both virtual and face to face classes, since the introductory module is divided into a first virtual stage, during the months of May and June, and a second classroom stage, in September.
There are two theoretical-practical subjects in the introductory module: the first is History and Heritage—taught by Dr Judith Urbano and Dr Xavier Baró, and will focus on basic topics from the past, which have made an impact on the present, from a historical and heritage based perspective. In the second subject, Learning to Learn:  Tools for a New Stage — taught by Dr Salvador Vidal and Dr Jaume Camps — students will learn about and work on affectivity and productivity in learning.
The Experience Campus, for mature students, is an academic learning project that encourages an interest in new areas of knowledge and prepares participants to take on responsibilities for new tasks, through continuous learning and social relations. In short, the purpose of this Campus is to ensure participants remain active and help them improve their quality of life.