
Senior lecturer Jasmina Berbegal participates in the Knowledge, innovation and regional development: New Evidence workshop

Berbegal presented three studies that were the result of work undertaken in conjunction with four European universities and one Us university in which universities’ performance and the role they play as a driving force behind regional economies was evaluated

Jasmina Berbegal, director of the ADE + Engineering programme at UIC Barcelona, participated as an invited speaker in the Knowledge, innovation and regional development: New evidence workshop on 18 October. The workshop was organised by the Valencian Institute of Economic Research and the BBVA Foundation.  
Berbegal presented the results of the three studies, in her talk entitled “Assessing universities’ performance and their role in fostering regional economies”. It was a group of studies, as part of a line of research on entrepreneurship and innovation, that she has been developing alongside professors from the University of Pécs (Hungary), the Polytechnic University of Milan, the University of Stanford (USA) and Ramon Llull University. During her talk, Jasmina Berbegal presented the main conclusions, while underlining the impact universities can have on the economy of the regions in which they are located. 
The Knowledge, innovation and regional development: New evidence workshop, is a forum that brings together academics from various countries, who specialise in economic issues, who share their experience and knowledge of this field. The participants underlined the need for regional heterogeneity in particular to be recognised when policies are being established, in order to reinforce local strong points.