
Senior lecturer Josep Corcó explores university life today in a seminar through the ideas of Karl Popper

The talk was given within the framework of the working group on science and faith at the Joan Maragall Foundation

Senior lecturer Josep Corcó from the Faculty of Humanities at UIC Barcelona gave an online seminar at the Joan Maragall Foundation on Karl Popper, one of the most well-known philosophers of the 20th century. In his talk “Karl Popper l la Vida universitaria d’avui: Idees per a renovar-nos”, Corco presented some of the ideas on education from the Austrian philosopher, highlighting some ideas related to contemporary university education.

During his presentation, Dr Corcó pointed out that, for Popper, university students “must be seekers of truth and explorers of contrastable knowledge” and that their education must be based on this search, rather than on possession or accumulation (of knowledge). In addition, he underlined the philosopher's idea of rebellion against authoritarianism in education based on a dialogue with tradition and concluded his presentation talking about the benefits of proposals from educational psychology for a cooperative university education that has social and community objectives.

All the contributions of this seminar were based on an article that will be published soon that Josep Corcó wrote along with Francisco Esteban, a lecturer from the University of Barcelona.

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