
Senior lecturer Xavier Baró analyses the footprint of the civilizations that have left their mark on Tivissa

At a talk given in the Cultural Community Centre in the Municipality of Tarragona

Dr Xavier Baró, a senior lecturer from the Faculty of Humanities at UIC Barcelona, analysed the civilizations and peoples that have marked Tivissa’s history in a talk that took place In the Cultural Community Centre in the Municipality of Tarragona. The title of the talk was “Dels íbers als catalans: Tivissa, entre l'antiguitat i l’edat mitjana”, (From the Iberians to the Catalans. Tivissa, between antiquity and the middle ages). In his talk, Baró retraced the history of the Ribera de Ebro region in general and Tivissa in particular to explain the main historical and cultural contributions of each period and how they are reflected in this riparian population.

Specifically, the Faculty lecturer’s talk focused on the Roman impact and/or Romanisation, on the contribution of the Visigoths, the Muslim conquest and the Christian re-population at the hands of Ramon Berenguer IV up to the establishment of the Barony of Entença.

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