
Silvia Agulló, from the DKV Group, participates in the Chair Breakfast

The UIC Barcelona Chair Management by Missions and Corporate Purpose at held a new edition of the Chair Breakfast, which was attended by Silvia Agulló, director of Responsible Business and Reputation for the DKV Group

Under the title, “Implementing Purpose at DKV,” Silvia Agulló explained how in 2012, DKV began to incorporate the purpose concept from the company DKV. They added the inspiring phrase “the dream” to all their strategic plans, which gave meaning to the company’s reason for being and went beyond “what we do” and “how we do it.” From that moment on, the company defined a generic purpose: “we strive for a better world,” strengthening the concept of “what we are doing it for”, thereby promoting responsible business. In 2016, they went a step further and incorporated the concept of “the purpose-dream,” linking the essence of DKV to a healthier world. Within this strategic plan, the organisation began to evaluate how these actions were impacting stakeholders, taking into account ethical, social and environmental aspects.

Since 2012, DKV has been promoting activities and training to implement purpose among employees throughout the company. Additionally, they constantly assess the impact of purpose through different indicators to analyse reputation and results both inside and outside the company.

The Breakfast Chair provides a place for the business and academic world to come together with the aim of generating discussion on issues related to purpose and management by missions. The UIC Barcelona Chair for Mission Management and Corporate Purpose  was created in 2012, on the initiative of the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences thanks to the cooperation DPMC España, with Carlos Rey, founder and director, and Miquel Bastons, as associate director.