
Sílvia Albareda analyses transformative learning for sustainable consumption at Fordham University in New York

This research is an example of educational collaboration in which the end goal is to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Sílvia Albareda, lecturer at the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Education, was a guest speaker at the 5th International Scholas Chairs Congress, with the motto “Building Cooperation Networks for Fraternal Humanism”, held at Fordham University in New York. 

Albareda gave a conference titled “Transformative learning to promote sustainable consumption. Comparative analysis between the universities UNAPEC (Dominican Republic) and UIC Barcelona” and took part in a round table titled “Empowering university students in the resolution of the SDGs”.

The Education lecturer stated that “Scholas Chairs allow us to do good things and do them together, while verifying that this transformative learning is really a success, an achievement and an improvement”.

Albareda explained further, “we don’t just focus on dreams and good projects, but we put them into practice to actually transform reality”.

Finally, the seminar concluded that the Ecological Footprint is the ideal indicator to measure individual consumption among students, and that the teaching methods in Project-Based Learning and Problem-Based Learning contribute to a change in students’ consumption habits, resulting in transformative learning.  

Students reduced their consumption in areas that depend on their own decision making, like food. This research was established as a practical case study for educational collaboration carried out through the Scholas Chairs, making new alliances possible for the success of the SDGs.