
Sílvia Albareda undertakes a research stay in Rome

Dr Sílvia Albareda recently completed a three-week research visit (April to May) to the Italian capital. During this time, she worked with researchers from the Pontifical University of Santa Croce and with lecturers from the Joint Interuniversity Diploma in Integral Ecology.

In addition to collaborating with other researchers, the lecturer from the Faculty of Education also took part as a speaker in the session “Contribution of Religions in Catalonia to the Sustainable Development Goals”, a project resulting from research undertaken as part of RELIG 2014 and led by UIC Barcelona. 

She also gave a talk to the Latin American ambassadors to the Vatican on “Education for integral sustainability at university”. 

Dr Albareda took advantage of her stay in Rome to establish potential joint research projects with Italian researchers from a number of universities on the contribution of religions to sustainability. 

The next few months will see the publication of two books featuring contributions stemming from Dr Albareda’s time in Rome: Repensando la sostenibilidad [Rethinking Sustainability] and Religions and Sustainable Consumption, both by the Environmental Ethics Chair at the University of Alcalá de Henares.