
SIQE Participates in Conference on Quality in Spanish Universities

Núria Casals, María Jesús Castel and Elena Santa María, from the UIC Educational Innovation and Quality Service (SIQE), participated in the 4th Conference on Reflection and Debate on Quality Assurance Technical Units at Spanish Universities, which took place in A Coruña on Thursday, 18 April 2013. During the conference, Elena Santa María gave the talk «Teacher Training as a Result of Teacher Assessment».

The conference, organized by the Universidade da Coruña, brought together 90 quality-assurance professionals from 43 Spanish universities. It is an annual meeting to exchange information, ideas and good practices related to the central issues that affect the quality of the university system: the AUDIT auditing programme, monitoring of degrees, internal quality assurance systems (SGIC) for PhDs, the DOCENTIA Teaching Performance Assessment program and accreditation procedures for degrees.

Rafael van Grieken, the Director of the Spanish Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA), participated in this fourth edition of the conference. He presented the AUDIT certification process and engaged the audience in an open debate.

Núria Casals, María Jesús Castel and Elena Santa María attended the conference in representation of the UIC Educational Innovation and Quality Service. Elena Santa María also gave the talk "Teacher Training as a Result of Teacher Assessment", in which she discussed the procedure followed with UIC professors.