
The situation in South Africa during apartheid, described by Professor Stuart Mole from the University of Exeter

First year Humanities students were given a talk by invited Professor Stuart Mole.  Mole is a researcher at the University of Exeter and Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies in the University of London. His area of research is the apartheid regime in South Africa and the Commonwealth.  He was also President of the Round Table, and Director General of the Royal Commonwealth Society. He was Director General of the General Commonwealth Secretariat for almost two decades and a member of the British parliament, in the House of Commons. 

Professor Mole was invited by Dr Maria Mut, as part of the subject entitled International Institutions and Human Rights (DDHH), taught as part of the Bachelor’s degree in Humanities. The class focused on the situation experienced in South Africa during apartheid. The racial segregation measures imposed in South Africa until the 90s was discussed.  Nelson Mandela and his fight to defend human rights and the meaning of his liberation were also addressed in the talk. The position of the Commonwealth and the United Nations during this period was also analysed. After the session, students held a debate with Professor Mole.