
Sixth Edition of Practical Course in Foundations Law

Starting on 1 October 2013, the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences will be offering the sixth edition of the Practical Course on Foundations Law. This training programme is a successful initiative in the world of foundations law. It is offered in collaboration with the law firm Balaguer Morera & Associates and the Paulino Torras Domènech Foundation.

The aim of the postgraduate course is to offer students 30 hours of specialized and comprehensive training so they can acquire practical, up-to-date knowledge about the legislation affecting foundations. By the end of the course, with the confidence they gain from training and based on their new overview, participants should have the tools they need to set up, consult for and/or run a foundation.

The consolidation of this postgraduate course, now in its sixth year, reflects the need for specialization in the field of foundations law, a fact corroborated by Catalonia's long-standing tradition of these non-profit organizations that have contributed so much to encouraging the channelling of new private funds towards general-interest projects.

Because the course is taught by an interdisciplinary team of experts with extensive experience in the business world and the area of foundations in particular, it offers considerable value added in terms of practical knowledge.

After addressing several practical case studies, the course will end with the study of a general case that touches on the different disciplines covered.