
At a special event on medicine, radiologist Javier Lucaya gave the closing remarks on advances in diagnostic medical imaging

On Thursday, 18 October 2012, Dr. Javier Lucaya Layret, a radiologist and the Head of Studies at Hospital Quirón in Barcelona, gave a talk on diagnostic medical imaging to close an event full of activities held on the occasion of the feast day of St. Luke, the patron saint of medicine.

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences organized a day of games and
recreational activities, including a gymkhana, a Trivial Pursuit championship,
table football and films. There were also awareness campaigns, including one
dedicated to the prevention of breast cancer.

conference closed with a talk given by Dr. Lucaya, which was attended by UIC professors as well as
students. Lucaya explained the evolution of the
technology used in radiology or diagnostic medical imaging, as it is currently
called. Over the last thirty years, the development of techniques such as
medical ultrasonography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
positron emission tomography (PET) and molecular imaging has placed diagnostic
imaging at the head of specialized medicine. "The technology doesn't just
visualize every structure in the human body, no matter how small", said Lucaya. "In some cases, it can also
help assess how those structures work". As a result, medical imaging does
not just aid in the increasingly early diagnosis of a great number of diseases.
It also often allows doctors to assess how some diseases respond to medication.
In this regard, Dr. Lucaya stressed the importance of the role radiologists play
in the use of this cutting-edge medicine.

Due to
the success of the event, the celebration of the feast of St. Luke is expected
to become a tradition at the UIC Sant Cugat campus, where the degree programmes in medicine,
physiotherapy, nursing and dentistry are taught.