
Stocktake of the academic year and future projects at the University Academic Year Closing Session

Yesterday, members of the teaching body and administration and service staff filled the Aula Magna to attend the University Academic Year Closing Session, in which participants took stock of the year and announced projects and objectives for the upcoming academic year.

The event was presided by the rector, Xavier Gil, who began by thanking the attendees for their hard work throughout the year and urged them to keep going in the same direction.

Afterwards, the rector recapped the academic year’s most significant milestones, including the launch of the new Experience Campus, the agreements entered into with some of the country’s best research centres or the University’s higher position in the rankings. He also shared with the attendees the objectives for next year and informed them of the appointments and renewals among members of the Board of Governors.

The rector then turned the floor over to the vice-rector for Academic Organisation and Teaching Staff, Josep Clotet, who spoke about consolidating excellence through ongoing improvement, and gave indicators on the degree of satisfaction in the teaching and learning process.

Afterwards, the secretary-general, Belén Castro, awarded silver medals to around twenty staff members in recognition of their ten years of work at UIC Barcelona and singled out those individuals retiring at the end of the term.

The event ended with a video summary of this year’s main activities and all the best for a very happy summer.