
A strategic project about transformation, history and future included as part of the new B-Excellent programme

The first edition of the programme for this academic year returns to a fully face-to-face schedule

The latest B-Excellent programme, organised by the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, has already kicked off with the first of the four sessions. This year, Vallformosa, a leading company in the production of wines and sparkling wines, is taking part and its president, Josep Graells March, has proposed the challenge that students will have to solve.

This year, the 35 participating students will work on a strategic project about transformation, history and future, led by representatives from the wine company and guided by Miquel Lladó, senior lecturer in the Strategic Management Department at IESE Business School, who will lead one of the sessions.

Students will also have the opportunity to spend one morning at the Vallformosa facilities in the Penedès region, before working in teams to solve the proposed challenge. It will be the first session since the start of the pandemic to be held in a fully face-to-face format.

The B-Excellent programme bridges the gap between the business world and university students, with the aim of empowering young talent and dovetailing the academic and professional spheres.

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