
Student Mar Martínez is appointed UNICAT ambassador for UIC Barcelona

The fourth-year student from the Bachelor's Degree in Journalism will help circulate news among the university community regarding professional opportunities offered in European institutions.

Alumni & Careers at UIC Barcelona has appointed student Mar Martínez to be the principal UNICAT ambassador for the university during the 2020-2021 academic year. Martínez, currently in her fourth year of the Bachelor's Degree in Journalism, will help spread the word among the UIC Barcelona community and promote news about professional opportunities and current selection processes from within European Union institutions.

“Being appointed UNICAT ambassador is an honour and a very motivating challenge”, explained Mar Martínez, originally from the city of Reus but currently working in a communications agency having studied different media channels.  “This is a great chance to work on something I love, communication, and have the chance to collaborate with other universities from which I’m bound to learn a great deal”, she added.

This is the first time UIC Barcelona is participating in the Ambassador/UNICAT project, spearheaded by the Inter-University Council of Catalonia and the Delegation of the Government of Catalonia to the European Union, with the aim of empowering the role of EU Career Ambassadors and extensively promoting professional opportunities and external work placements in European institutions. UIC Barcelona joins other leading universities in Catalonia also taking part in the project.