
Students from Faculty of Humanities Visit Godia Foundation

Students from the Faculty of Humanities visited the Francisco Godia Foundation, which was established by the multifaceted entrepreneur Francisco Godia and focuses on medieval art, ceramics, Modernista drawings and paintings, and 20th-century art.

The objective of the Francisco Godia Foundation is to disseminate and expand the large collection, which was started by Francisco Godia Sales, a multifaceted entrepreneur. The permanent collection takes visitors on a tour through the history of art based on the collector’s taste and sensitivity. The Foundation’s temporary exhibitions highlight the importance of private collectors in recovering cultural heritage. The collection grows each year with new items that complete it and bring it into the 21st century.

During the visit, foundation director Sara Puig Alsina welcomed the students, who were accompanied by Professor Eduard Padrón, and talked about several of the management and operational aspects of her work. She also showed them the magnificent Modernista building that houses the collection and gave them the opportunity to admire some of the most representative pieces of medieval art and Catalan and Spanish painting, as well as recently acquired contemporary paintings and sculptures.

Professor Padrón said, “It was an extensive tour that allowed the students to observe firsthand how a pioneering cultural institution in Barcelona is organized and managed”.