
A study on clinical simulation of safe drug management, promoted by the DECIDE Chair, is awarded the prize for best oral presentation by the SESSEP

The study, led by the researchers and lecturers of the UIC Barcelona Department of Nursing, Cristina Alfonso and Mireia Llauradó, received the award at the 9th Conference of the Spanish Society of Clinical Simulation and Patient Safety (SESSEP)

On 25 and 26 November, the DECIDE Chair research group, together with researchers from the Department of Nursing, participated in the 9th SESSEP Conference held in Granada. During the meeting, they gave three presentations disseminating the results from different research projects on the field of clinical safety in drug management. The study led by Cristina Alfonso and Mireia Llauradó also received the prize for best oral presentation.

The aim of the study titled “Ensayo clínico aleatorizado cono simulación clínica en gestión segura de fármacos: efectividad inmediata y permanencia en un año” (Randomised clinical trial with clinical simulation in safe medication management: immediate effectiveness and permanence in one year), was to assess the impact of a teaching intervention based on clinical simulation, comparing the use of two fidelities, high and medium-low, to improve the competence of safe medication management. It was aimed at second-year students, measuring its effectiveness over the twelve months following the intervention. As the researchers demonstrated, the simulation was effective in improving the safe management of drugs. Nevertheless, the different fidelities did not have an immediate impact, not even one year after the intervention.

Lecturer Laura Brichs was in charge of presenting the presentation titled “La seguridad del paciente como eje de la evaluación en una ECOE de estudiantes de enfermería” (Patient safety as the axis of evaluation in an ECOE of nursing students), carried out together with other researchers from the Department of Nursing. The aim of the project was to share assessment experiences that students have to acquire in an Objective and Structured Clinical Evaluation (ECOE), considering a classification of clinical safety issues, carried out using a nominal group.

Encarna Rodríguez, director of the DECIDE Chair, and Mireia Llauradó and Pilar Fuster, gave the presentation “Diseño y validación de un checklist para la gestión segura de medicación endovenosa” (Design and validation of a checklist for the safe management of intravenous medication). The results showed that the checklist is a valid and reliable instrument for teaching and assessing nursing students, making it possible to analyse and evaluate in which steps of medication management students make the most mistakes and to plan teaching interventions aimed at improving students’ learning needs.

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