
Success of ESARQ-UIC Open House

On Saturday, 24 November 2012, the UIC-ESARQ School of Architecture held an Open House in order to show all interested parties not only its facilities, but also the day-to-day work carried out by its students. More than 100 people, including students, teachers, families and students interested in studying Architecture, attended the event, which showcased the projects undertaken by first- to fifth-year students.

Open House, which is the first of two that are organized throughout the course
of the academic year, gave current students the opportunity to show family
members the projects they are working on at the school.

attending the event were given a tour of the school’s facilities and were able
to hear firsthand about the work undertaken by the students enrolled in the
subject Projects. The representatives from the different courses took turns to
describe their projects to the attendees. The day before, they had presented
the projects to a jury made up of guest professors, namely, architects Arturo Frediani, Josep Camps,
Alexandre Pararols, Nuria Ayala and Santi Ibarra.

The second ESARQ Open House will take place on 13 April 2013 and
will be specially designed for all students interested in studying Architecture
in the 2013-2014 academic year.