
Surgeon Juan Carlos García-Valdecasas Gives Lecture to Medicine Students on Liver Transplants

On Thursday, 1 March 2012, the first doctor to carry out a live transplant in Spain delivered a lecture on liver transplants in the assembly hall of the Hospital General de Catalunya. Juan Carlos García-Valdecasas is head of the Surgery Department at the Universitat de Barcelona, chief of surgery at Hospital Clínic de Barcelona and president of the International Liver Transplant Society (ILTS).

Numerous Medicine
students attended the lecture, which was titled “The Liver Transplant in
Improving the Quality of Healthcare”. Dr.
Albert Balaguer, the dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences,
opened the event and introduced the guest, who is famous for being the first
doctor to carry out a live transplant in Spain.

In his lecture,
García-Valdecasas explained, “The
quality of organ transplants in Spain
has increased dramatically thanks to medical teams who have promoted an
improvement in the technology used in these operations”. The doctor stressed
that these technological improvements are also the result of the high level of
organ donation in Spain.