
Third Posture and Comprehensive Physiotherapy Workshop

On Saturday, 28 June 2014, the third edition of the Posture and Comprehensive Physiotherapy Workshop was held on the Sant Cugat campus. The workshop was hosted by the Department of Physiotherapy of the UIC's Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.

After the presentation of the workshop by Juanjo García, a Physiotherapy lecturer at the UIC, the first of four conferences in the workshop began.

Pere Rodríguez, another UIC lecturer, explained the basic facts of stabilometry and its advantages as a method for quantifying postural adjustments. In the next conference, José Ramírez addressed the need for physiotherapists and health and physical activity professionals in general to include measurements of their own interventions in clinical practice.

Manel Domingo, the Chair of the Official Association of Physiotherapists of Catalonia, spoke about the need for measurement in physiotherapy and the role of the physiotherapist as an educator in society. Finally, the Catalan actress Vicky Peña read the last morning conference. The actress, who has had a long professional career, shared her personal experiences in relation to the use of the body in the scenic arts. She mentioned how breathing and posture affect intonation and singing, and how muscle tension modifies the body and its function.

Three workshops were held in the afternoon: one on the influence of the stomatognathic system (i.e. the mouth and jaws) in posture disorders; a second on abdominal competence, breathing and postural re-education; the third workshop was on posture, breathing, voice and singing.

The aim of the different workshops and conferences was to raise questions and encourage improvements in measuring methodology, to highlight the role of the physiotherapist as a health educator, and to help participants understand that functional improvement calls for comprehensive sensorimotor training. The basic aim was to move towards a kind of physiotherapy that is more scientific, but also more comprehensive and educational.