
Third-Year Humanities Students Take Exam at CosmoCaixa

On Friday, 24 May 2013, third-year humanities students studying Science, Technology and Society, a subject taught by Dr. Josep Corcó, took their final exam at the science museum CosmoCaixa. They were required to answer questions based on the exhibitions in the museum itself.

The exam was made up of two parts. The first, which tested students on philosophy of technology, required students to prepare a small exhibition to raise awareness about the technological phenomenon, using the museum as inspiration. The students also had to come up with a small installation for the exhibition in order to illustrate and transmit their ideas. At the end of the exam, they had to share their proposals.

The second part, which tested students on philosophy of science, required students to answer questions about course content that were based on some of the exhibitions in the museum.

Science, Technology and Society is taught by Dr. Josep Corcó for third-year Humanities students. The subject analyses science, technology and information systems as fundamental elements of society, due to the effects they have on people's ordinary lives. During the course, students see how these elements provide tools that make human life easier and give rise to new paradigms that allow for greater understanding of the world and human beings. In this regard, it is impossible to grasp authentically human behaviour without considering science and technology.