
Three Ceramic Parts for Roofs, Pavements and Façades Win Awards at ESARQ's 11th ASCER Ceramic Tile Studies Chair

Students Marina Baró, Andrea Massip and Guillem Díaz were the winners on Friday, 28 November 2014, at the 11th ASCER Ceramic Tile Studies Chair of the ESARQ School of Architecture at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC) with three ceramic parts for use as roofing, paving and façade materials.

The 23 students in the subject Innovation and Design of Ceramic Materials, which is taught by Profs. Jordi Roviras and Cristina García Castelao in the Ceramic Tile Studies Chair, each individually defended the ceramic parts they had been working on during the term before a jury made up of Emiliano López from López Rivera Arquitectos; Xavier Ros from H Arquitectes; Rosa Urbano, the Director of the Liverpool Ceramic Chair; and Eva Pedrajas from the Association of Ceramic Tile Manufacturers of Spain (ASCER), the sponsor of the Ceramic Tile Studies Chair. Also in attendance was Dr. Vicente Sarrablo, the Chair Director.


Roof Category Marina Baró. Winning part: AVI

This part was created with a critical perspective towards sheet metal roofing (collaborating sheet metal). However, it does not enter into conflict with it, but heightens its sectional shape. According to the jury, the part works in conjunction with the sheet metal and helps highlight its profile by generating a positive dialogue between the two materials. The jury pointed out that the part most likely has unanticipated uses. Its bluntness highlights its shape and makes it extremely beautiful

Pavement Category: Andrea Massip. Winning part: T-FILTRÓN

According to the jury, the part almost perfectly addresses one of the most crucial aspects of urban paving: the ability to gather water underneath and allow it to filter into the ground over time. It is relatively easy for non-specialized operators to install the part perfectly. This open system can be customized by architects and installed in different ways so the pavement performs different functions. Because of the material, the part has real potential highlighted by the dignity of ceramic. The part boasts a wide range of installation options. Its simple H-shape design makes it a strong part with personality and the ability to adapt to the compositional needs of the project.

Façade Category: Guillem Díaz. Winning part: GREEN WAVE

The jury singled out this part because of its holistic approach and the student's sensitivity when defining its shape and the economy of the resources used and designed for execution. According to the jury, all this defines a green façade system that is of great interest and coherent with the climate and the building. The jury also pointed out that the entire system for collecting and using rain water highlights and emphasizes the construction system and the part's shape (an inverted catenary arch), almost as if it were a ceramic fabric hung from each end.