
Three UIC Barcelona nursing research projects receive a COIB grant

The projects led by the Department of Nursing at UIC Barcelona have obtained a grant from the Official Society of Nurses of Barcelona (COIB). Each year, this professional association awards financial aid through the Nursing Research Grants programme

The projects that received the grants are directed by researchers M. Ángeles de Juan, Cristina Monforte and Laia Wennberg, also lecturers on the Bachelor's Degree in Nursing. 

M. Ángeles de Juan led the study entitled "Eficacia de una actividad formativa para el incremento de la resiliencia en estudiantes de Enfermería ante la COVID-19” (Effectiveness of an educational activity to increase resilience in nursing students in the face of COVID-19). The aim of this project is to develop and evaluate a psychoeducational intervention aimed at increasing resilience in bachelor’s degree nursing students. The analysis of experiences of students studying this discipline who worked in the health system during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic will help identify the protective factors that allowed them to mitigate the impact of the pandemic, and serve as a basis for the design of the intervention.

The second project is led by Cristina Monforte, vice-rector for Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer at the University and director of the Department of Nursing. Under the title “Definición y validación de la etiqueta diagnóstica ‘Deseo de adelantar la muerte’” (Definition and validation of the diagnostic label 'desire to hasten death'), and in view of the recent approval of the law on euthanasia and assisted suicide, the researchers look at the role nurses should play in its implementation, as well as in the assessment of patients who express a desire to hasten death.

As the researcher explains, "the desire to hasten death is a phenomenon that is reactive to suffering, that fluctuates over time, can emerge with some frequency in patients with advanced disease and has different meanings for different patients".

Finally, lecturer Laia Wennberg is leading the project entitled “Participación, empoderamiento y activación de la gente mayor para la mejora de su calidad de vida a través de sus conciudadanos” (Participation, empowerment and activation in older people to improve quality of life through their fellow citizens).
This project aims to provide training in health management competencies and activation skills developed by citizens themselves, previously trained by experts, with the aim of improving the health habits, pharmacological adherence and quality of life of older people with chronic pathologies.

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