
Toni Mora conducted a seminar at the universities of Manchester and York on the impact of air pollution on child population respiratory incidence in Catalonia

The director of the UIC Barcelona Research Group for Evaluation and Public Policies (IRAPP), Dr Toni Mora conducted a seminar at the universities of Manchester and York where he has presented an article that analyses the effect of air pollution on children’s respiratory health in Catalonia. In writing this paper, he linked administrative healthcare records from primary care, emergency visits and hospitalisations with pollution monitoring data and weather conditions in Catalonia from 2013 to 2017.

Toni Mora, professor at UIC Barcelona, took advantage of his stay at the University of Manchester to attend the Health Economists’ Study Group (HESG) Winter 2023 Meeting, and to learn how health inequalities derived from gradients in the use of health resources are currently studied.

During his stay in the UK, he also visited the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences at the University of Oxford, where the kick-off was prepared for the European FLASH project (Flexible Approaches to Support Health Through Financing), in which UIC Barcelona is participating. This took place at the University of Verona.