
Two projects from the Faculty of Education win the 12th edition of the UIC Barcelona Cross-Disciplinary Sustainability Workshop

The award-winning projects focused on the impact of online education during lockdown, and on the creation of a hydroalcoholic gel that combines disinfection with respect for the environment

Two projects created by first and second year students in Primary Education won the 12th edition of the Cross-Disciplinary Sustainability Workshop in the scientific poster and practical workshop categories.

The award-winning project in the scientific poster category is entitled Children’s academic stress during lockdown, and its writers are Oriol Uroz and Clara Albors, first-year students from the Bachelor’s Degree in Bilingual Primary Education. This project was carried out as part of the Psychology and Written Expression subject, and was supervised by lecturers María Cerrato and Asun Verdera.

In the Workshop category, the winning project is entitled Reciclem alhora que ens disinfectem by students Paula Barbarà, Clara Barbarà, Paula Barbarà, Paula Biech and Elena Vázquez, who are in their second year of a Bachelor’s degree in Primary Education. This project, carried out as part of the Teaching and Learning the Experimental Sciences 1 and supervised by lecturer Ainhoa Fernández, consists of creating a hydroalcoholic gel that is both ecological and hydrating so that young children can take care of their health while also respecting the environment. “After consulting a dermatologist and a pharmacist to choose the most suitable components, we created three combinations to find the one that was most suitable for the skin and the one with the most pleasant fragrance. This is how we found out that the best combination contains 70% alcohol, aloe vera and lavender oil,” explained the students.

This year's edition was attended by 231 students from all around the university, and the two winning projects from our Sant Cugat Campus were chosen out of a total of 68 projects.
The Sustainability Workshop is an annual event that has been taking place since the 2009-2010 academic year. Its main objective is to promote interdisciplinary work among students on aspects related to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals through conferences, round tables, workshops and scientific posters.