
Two UIC Barcelona students among the best university athletes of 2021

Physiotherapy student Ewen Toulgat and Dentistry student Oriana Zekrya are among the best university athletes of 2021: Toulgat for his performance in the men’s category of the five-km Unirun, and Zekrya for her performance in the women’s golf category. The results were announced on 4 November at the thirty-sixth Catalan University Championships awards ceremony, organised this year by the University of Girona

The closing ceremony for the 2021 Catalan University Championships (CCU) took place in the Narcis Xifra Auditorium on the Science and Technology Park at the University of Girona (UdG), which was tasked with organising this year’s event. A total of 5,299 participants (53.16% men and 46.84% women) took part in the CCUs across seventeen sporting disciplines. The competitions were broadcast on the Local Communication Network with audience numbers peaking at 63,164 viewers. 

During the event presented by journalist Francesc Sánchez Carcassés, awards were presented to the best male and female athletes in the different sporting disciplines and to the runners with the best times in the 2021 Unirun race. Among the award-winning athletes were two UIC Barcelona students, Ewen Toulgat, Physiotherapy student and winner of the 5-km Unirun in the men’s category, and Odontology student Oriana Zekrya, winner of the women's category for golf. Paula Xutgla (UdG) and Oriol Madi (University of Barcelona) were presented with the awards for best overall sportswoman and sportsman of the Championships. 

The event was attended by the winners, as well as representatives of the twelve Catalan universities. Jordi Masquef, Àdam Bertran and Anna Caula –on behalf of Girona Provincial Council, Girona City Council and the General Secretariat for Sport and Physical Activity, respectively– and representatives of the GEiEG, the Sarrià de Ter Sports Union, the Local Communication Network and Adidas were thanked by the organisers for their support for these Championships.

Finally, Quim Salvi, rector of the University of Girona, handed the baton to Josep Maria Garrell, rector of Ramon Llull University (URL), which will be tasked with organising the thirty-seventh CCUs next year.

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