
UIC Barcelona and Sant Cugat Town Council cooperate to offer an oral health check-up service for Social Services users

The main objective of the initiative is to ensure that lower-income individuals have access to the basic health services offered by the University Dental Clinic

Thanks to this collaboration between Sant Cugat Town Council and the Faculty of Dentistry at UIC Barcelona, which began on 3 December, the University Dental Clinic now offers users of the municipal social services a free oral check-up and, if necessary, treatment at a reduced price. So far, 16 people have been treated at the Clinic after being referred by Sant Cugat social services. 

“One of our priority objectives as a University is to educate our students to be committed to social responsibility towards groups that need it most”, explains Dr Lluís Giner, dean of the Faculty of Dentistry at UIC Barcelona. “Collaborations such as the one we have with Sant Cugat Town Council give them the chance to learn about other aspects of dentistry in the real world, and discover the importance of dealing with patients and respecting the person behind each dental pathology”.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)