
UIC Barcelona co-organises the 1st International Conference on 'The Civil War in the Ebro'

It will be held from 22 to 24 October in Gandesa

UIC Barcelona, Gandesa City Council, Tortosa Town Council and the Centre for Studies on the Battle of the Ebro organised the 1st International Conference on “The Civil War in the Ebro”, which will take place from 22 to 24 October in Gandesa. This is the first such conference on the battle in the Ebro region and will include national and international specialists in the study of this historical period. Papers selected by the scientific committee for the conference will be presented, guided tours will be undertaken to the historic areas where the Battle of the Ebro took place, and a commemorative event will be organised by the Association of the Air Force of the Spanish Republic.

Dr Josep Serrano, a lecturer at the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Law, is the president of the scientific committee for the conference, while Dr Xavier Baró and Dr Xavier Garí, lecturers from the Faculty of Humanities, are the spokespeople. All of them will also participate as speakers in a conference that opened last Friday, 24 September in Tortosa, at an event that will include two speeches: “Més enllà de Hemingway: corresponsals de guerra a Tortosa” (Beyond Hemingway: war correspondents in Tortosa), by historian Roc Salvadó and “Civils evacuats, a la muntanya i al Delta” (Civilians evacuated to the mountains and the Delta) by journalist and historian Andreu Caralt.

This international conference received support from the Association of the Air Force of the Spanish Republic, the Provincial Government of Tarragona, the Department of Culture in the Generalitat of Catalonia, the Council for La Terra Alta, the Ribera de Ebro Study Centre, The Institute for the Development of the Regions of the Ebro, the Democratic Memorial, the Memorial Consortium for the Area of the Battle of the Ebro, the Institute of Catalan Studies, the Catalan Society of Legal Studies, the Ramon Muntaner Institute, the Academy of Letters of Barcelona, Patronato pro Batea and the Association of the Poble Vell in Corbera d'Ebre.

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