
UIC Barcelona ends the year with theatre, music and prizes

For yet another year, Passeig de la Fontana on the Barcelona Campus filled with people for the End of Year Party organised by the Vice-Rectorate for the University Community. The University’s Theatre Group gave a repeat performance of the work for which they recently won the City of Barcelona Award for best original play.

The Theatre Group got the party going with a repeat performance of Automàtics, the play they premièred on 26 April, yet this time with several awards under their belt, having recently won the prize for best original play at the 5th City of Barcelona University Theatre Awards. In addition to their multiple nominations, the group also won in the best supporting actress category (Ana María Burgos) and received special mention for best lead actor (Pau Borrell).

After this, the members of the University choir began the show on Passeig de la Fontana with an a capella rendition of gospel songs such as “Lean On Me” and “The Storm is Passing Over”, accompanied by a piano.

Following this performance came the award ceremony, hosted by Santi Jou and Elena Santamaría, for the various competitions held during the academic year. The awards were handed out by the rector of the University, Xavier Gil, after which he gave a brief address about the past academic year. As something new this year, the #mésqueuniversitat award was given to those students who, during the academic year, were most involved in sports, solidarity and cultural activities.

The floor was then cleared for performances by students from our university. This edition featured a hip-hop performance by Physiotherapy student Nicolás Capovilla and a series of other musical acts: Alex Egido Carroggio, an Audiovisual Communication student, who sang and played the electric/acoustic guitar, as well as Law student Luis Mas, with voice and piano, and Audiovisual Communication student Alfred Garcia, with guitar and voice.

The performances gave way to jam sessions, with encores and joint acts on stage.