
UIC Barcelona Equality Office joins the Network Equality Units

Consuelo León speaks at a conference which represented 83 Spanish universities, 32 of which are also private

On 26 and 27 May, the  15th National Conference of the Network of Gender Equality Units for University Excellence (RUIGEU) took place at the University of Alcalá de Henares. This annual meeting promotes the creation of a space in which different Spanish universities can exchange good practices and policies in favour of equal opportunities, work-life balance and joint responsibility, and the establishment of common indicators for evaluating these processes.

The two days covered different university policies on equal opportunities; good practices introduced during the pandemic; new plans for audits, remuneration records, and equality; and the academic careers of female teaching staff, especially in the early years and for those with children in their care.

Consuelo León Llorente, head of the UIC Barcelona Equality Office, gave a presentation on motherhood and academic careers in which she highlighted the good practices introduced at UIC Barcelona and the parity achieved in its governing bodies.