
UIC Barcelona Gives First-Aid and CPR Classes to Catalan Secondary-School Teachers

On Monday, 27 April 2015, UIC Barcelona gave first-aid and CPR classes to secondary-school teachers in Catalonia. Now in its second edition, the event attracted 40 participants and was warmly received.

Each workshop was led by final-year nursing students, under the guidance of workshop leaders Encarna Rodríguez and Mariona Guerrero, who evaluated the students on the night, since this initiative forms part of their teaching practice. Teaching is a key nursing skill that helps prevent illness and promote health, but is not always given the attention it deserves.

The CPR workshop included a lecture on the major risks for heart disease in contemporary society and how to act when someone has a heart attack, as well as a practical session in which those present practised their technique on special CPR dummies.

The first-aid session provided theoretical and practical training on four situations that teachers can encounter in the classroom, including panic attacks, convulsions, haemorrhaging and fainting. The teachers took an active part in the sessions and the students who had organized the event handed out flyers they had designed that included advice and instructions on how to deal with each of these situations.