
UIC Barcelona hosts 100 visitors for the first Experience Campus open day

On Monday 9 March, the Experience Campus at UIC Barcelona held its first open day for mature students. The event attracted over 100 visitors who attended a presentation by the Senior Citizens’ University coordinator at Jaume I University, Pilar Escuder-Mollón, and a round table discussion with current students from the Experience Campus.

The event opened with some words of welcome from the Faculty of Humanities lecturer, Judith Urbano, who thanked everyone for coming.  She added that, as a lecturer at the Experience Campus, “all the teachers were thrilled to give classes to students who were so engaged and eager to learn”. She then handed over to Dr Escuder-Mollón who gave a presentation titled “Back in the classroom”.
The talk from the lecturer from Jaume I de Castellón University focused on the importance of continued academic learning post retirement and quoted that “the choice to continue learning is a choice to remain current”. Throughout her presentation, Escuder-Mollón encouraged the audience to get stuck into university life again, insisting that "it is a challenge you can overcome". She finished her talk by reminding everyone that “what matters in your return to university isn’t your age, it’s your attitude”.
Following the presentation, a round table titled “A new challenge for a new phase” got under way, moderated by the Experience Campus’ academic coordinator, Salvador Vidal, who was joined by four current students: María del Carmen Viñeta, Fernando Echevarne, Gloria Casacuberta and Jordi Boix. They recounted tales of their experiences back in the classroom and were all of the opinion that “signing up to the Experience Campus means starting a new adventure that involves remembering what you had forgotten and learning what you never had the chance to learn”.
The event finished with a question and answer session between prospective and current students. Subsequently, around 30 attendees filled out admission applications to enrol on the Experience Campus’ Introductory Module that begins on 16 April 2020.