
UIC Barcelona hosts the first Hestia Conference

With Integrated Care for Complex Chronic Patients as the main theme, the first event organised by the Hestia Chair brought together around fifty professionals from across Spain

On May 28, the Barcelona Campus held the first Hestia Conference under the title “Integrated Care for Complex Chronic Patients: reality and challenges”. Numerous experts participated in the meeting and shared experiences related to social or healthcare aspects of caring for patients with complex chronic diseases, including mental health.
Throughout the conference, sixteen talks were given in total, six focusing on mental health as the main topic and the rest, on chronic pathologies. All the presentations addressed different topics such as measures to improve the quality of life of patients, relatives and carers; predictors of health results in chronic pathologies; and healthcare organisation. All the studies presented were performed at a national level. Specifically, twelve were carried out in Catalonia and the rest in other autonomous communities such as Aragon, Canary Islands and Valencia.
The meeting came to a close with the keynote speech “The current issue of transitions between healthcare devices in patients with high social and healthcare needs” by Dr Xavier Corbella, director of the Hestia Chair.
The presentations are available here.