
UIC Barcelona launches four competitive calls to recruit predoctoral researchers

The Vice-Rectorate for Research and Knowledge Transfer and the Vice-Rectorate for Academic Ordinance and Teaching Staff at UIC Barcelona have made a joint appeal to announce the launch of four competitive calls to recruit predoctoral researchers.

Three of the four positions are general and open to the university community. 

The purpose of this general call is to grant three predoctoral research contracts to train research staff at UIC Barcelona, using the University's own funds.  Anyone who fulfils the requirements to access the doctoral programme upon its start date will be eligible to apply to the call. The terms and conditions of this call are available to read here.

The other position is for the Department of Medicine (Area of Epidemiology and Public Health).

Those interested in applying can do so through the UIC Barcelona website, where the terms and conditions for each position and the recruitment process are also stated, or via the following link: Epidemiology and Public Health

The selection process is undertaken in line with that set out under the HR Excellence in Research Seal (HRS4R), which UIC Barcelona obtained in May 2018. This guarantees an open, transparent and merit-based selection process, ensuring that there is a consistent focus on attracting the best talent.