
UIC Barcelona leads a pioneering European study on the relationship between premature births and tobacco control measures

The first quartile journal Environmental Research publishes the study led by UIC Barcelona, together with the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO) and the Carlos III Health Institute. The research, the first of its kind in Europe, shows that the rate of premature and low-weight births is lower in European Union countries with greater tobacco control measures, particularly in public spaces and workplaces. 

According to Dr José M. Martínez-Sánchez, head of the Health Determinants and Health Policies Assessment Research Group at UIC Barcelona, “our study shows that countries with wider implementation of tobacco control measures have a lower percentage of premature births. In this regard, we have seen that tobacco control measures also have an effect on perinatal indicators.”

The results of the study demonstrate the positive impact that policies regulating tobacco use have on reducing premature and low-weight births. As a result, the authors of the study state that further efforts must be made to control the tobacco epidemic by reinforcing the implementation of tobacco control policies, thus promoting healthy gestation, improving the health of pregnant women and making a positive impact on the public health system.