
The UIC Barcelona Moves up in El Mundo Ranking

For the second consecutive year, the UIC Barcelona has made it on the list published by El Mundo newspaper and has even moved up in the rankings. As occurred last year, the Degree in Dentistry is listed among the top five programmes in Spain. However, whereas it was in fifth position last year, it is now ranked third, ahead of the Universitat de Barcelona and Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio.

The UIC Barcelona has also moved up in the rankings of private universities. Last year, it was in tenth position in the ranking of top 10 private universities, but this year it is ranked in seventh place, ahead of Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio, Universidad Camilo José Cela and Universidad Católica de San Antonio. In the general list of Spanish universities, the UIC Barcelona went from position 38, where it was tied with the Universidad de Huelva, to position 31, which it shares with the Universidad de Deusto. 

According to the newspaper, the ranking is the result of the analysis of 25 selection criteria, the opinions of more than 2,000 lecturers, as well as other indicators such as university demand (number of students at the university per year and the cut-off mark for admission), human resources (student-teacher ratio, expenditure per enrolled student, etc.), physical resources (classrooms, laboratories, libraries, etc.), the curriculum, and results (drop-out rate, graduation rate, number of lecturers working on research projects).