
UIC Barcelona reaches historic high in employment rates

UIC Barcelona has a labour market insertion rate of 93.75%, above the average of the Catalan university system, and reached a historic peak in 2023 in the Employment Quality Index, according to the latest 2023 labour insertion survey presented by AQU Catalunya.

UIC Barcelona graduate employment is above average in the system, according to the latest data presented by AQU Catalunya following the Labour Insertion Survey conducted in 2023.

More than 40,000 people - from all the universities in the Catalan university system - responded to the survey, which represents almost half of the graduates studied from bachelor's, master's and doctorate degrees. From UIC Barcelona, 634 valid answers were received from 1458 possible answers.

In terms of bachelor's degrees, UIC Barcelona achieved its historic high in the Employment Quality Index (IQO) with this 2023 survey, and all disciplines presented a higher index than the corresponding system average. In all bachelor's degrees, UIC Barcelona’s occupation is above the system average, with 8 out of 10 working in an occupation specifically related to their undergraduate studies.

When asked about the skills acquired, almost all skills surveyed were very highly scored. Compared to the overall Catalan system, all subjects received higher scores, especially English and ethical and social responsibility.

In conclusion, 4 out of 5 students would repeat the degree they completed, which represents 81% of the respondents. In particular, 77% would choose UIC Barcelona as a university again.

As for master's degrees, the survey highlights that 7 out of 10 graduates are working in areas specific to the degree they have completed. With regard to competencies, UIC Barcelona stands out, especially in ethical and social responsibility, as well as in multidisciplinary teamwork and oral expression, both with 0.6 points above the average of the Catalan university system.

The Vice-Rector of Planning and Quality of UIC Barcelona, Josep Clotet, valued the results very positively, but was also prudent: “this is very positive data that demonstrates the good work done and highlights the continuing path that was already in evidence 3 years ago. We must continue in this line, working towards excellence in teaching and support for our students.”

The director of AQU Catalunya, Jaume Valls, presented the data at UIC Barcelona on 14 December, based on the results of the 2023 employment insertion survey of graduates from Catalan universities that are part of the Catalan University System.