
UIC Barcelona renews its agreement with the Invulnerables programme to treat oral and dental problems in children at risk of social exclusion

Students from the Faculty of Dentistry will continue to offer dental care to children and families of the Invulnerables de Manresa programme, promoted by the "la Caixa" Foundation and Sister Lucía Caram, director of the Santa Clara Convent Foundation

The renewal of the agreement took place on the UIC Barcelona Sant Cugat Campus, where Dr Lluís Giner, dean of the Faculty of Dentistry; José M. García Navas, manager of the University Dental Clinic; Montserrat Buisán, corporate director of Social Programmes at the "la Caixa" Foundation, and Sister Lucía Caram, all met.

The representatives of the three entities valued this collaboration very positively, thanks to which it has been possible to monitor the oral and dental health of children and families at risk of social exclusion for two years. The Invulnerables de Manresa programme, as part of its work plan with families and minors, takes a comprehensive approach to caring for the visual, dental, psychological and general health of the children, seeking resources and creating collaboration networks. 

The dental clinics affiliated with the programme offer treatment and prevention of children’s oral and dental problems by referring cases that require more complex interventions to the UIC Barcelona University Dental Clinic.

With the renewal of this agreement, Sister Lucía Caram highlighted “its involvement and professionalism, as well as the monitoring and coordination” carried out by all those involved in the project.

The renewal of this agreement took place as part of the Feast Day of Saint Apollonia, patron saint of dentists.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)