
UIC Barcelona researchers design a new entrance to the main façade of the Sagrada Familia based on biodigital architecture techniques

The research was carried out by lecturers Alberto T. Estévez and Yomna K. Abdallah and was published recently in the scientific journal World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development

UIC Barcelona School of Architecture researchers Alberto T. Estévez and Yomna K. Abdallah have developed an architectural design proposal for access to the main façade of the Sagrada Familia, based on the use of digital and biological techniques. The research was published recently in the second-quartile (SJR) journal World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development under the title “Biodigital design and symbolism in the Sagrada Familia Biodigital Bridge”.

Sagrada Família

“Faced with an unresolved problem, our research proposes solutions in keeping with Gaudí's work and appropriate to our time, to our zeitgeist”, state the researchers in their article. 

Alberto T. Estévez and Yomna K. Abdallah have also carried out a study on the symbolism that Gaudí introduced to the Sagrada Familia, having been inspired by the Book of Revelation. “The symbolism is very specific to the Sagrada Familia, very little known and which, for the most part, remains secret”, the researchers conclude. 

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)