
UIC Barcelona School of Architecture participates in the Llum BCN 2023 festival

“You are the light” is the proposal of the fourth- and fifth-year Architecture students who participated in this festival, which could be seen from Friday to Sunday, 3-5 February, in the Plaça de Montserrat Casals, in Poblenou

When arriving at the exhibition, a series of moving images is projected onto a large screen. As you follow the circuit, you reach the side, where visitors are asked to take out their smartphones and turn on the flashlight. As you go around the projection screen, you will see the slogan “El seguent també ha de gaudir de la pel·licula [The next in line must enjoy the film too]” and what was going on behind the curtain was then revealed: a series of zootropes of the people themselves and their phones. The public could go to a zootrope and activate it for visitors who were following them in the queue. The exhibition presents a chain where the public take action so that the visitors following them can also enjoy the ‘film.”

This edition of Llum BCN had the climate crisis as one of its core themes, and it was reflected in this project.  The exhibition aimed to make us think about the consequences our actions have on the people who come after us, in any sense that comes to mind, also in the gestures with no obvious meaning.

Ana Giorgadze, Architecture student and one of the project creators, commented that the best thing is that each person can be part of the exhibition with their light. “With this simple light, the people created the exhibition. We used geometric shapes to create abstract and conceptual shadows on the other side of the setup, where visitors can share their experiences. And, all the material is recycled,” Giorgadze said.

Llum BCN

The project was created by these students: Kanzy Rammeya, Simay Ozkayagan, Deniza Kostadinova, Lali Nyland, Alin Birisan, Zuha Bari, Hamza Chakib, Nadene Indraj, Sergio Avilés, Ana Giorgadze, Vlad Calugareanu, Selin Şınık, Katrin Abou, Alejandro Estévez, Gianfranco Casanova, Alejandra Toro, Andres Willie, Florian Maurette, Juan Trias de Bes and Maria Eggertt. Their tutor was lecturer Inaki Baquero.

The Llum BCN expert committee awarded a distinction to each participating school. UIC Barcelona School of Architecture won the Analogue Award: “This project takes the climate crisis into account. It’s not proposing an existing source of light, but that each of us had the light source. The project worked with public interaction, both with the light and by moving the elements and with the surprise this generated on the other side.”



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