
UIC Barcelona School of Architecture Professor Vicenç Sarrablo Gives Lecture in Architecture Now Series

On Tuesday, 30 June 2015, Vicenç Sarrablo, Director of the Technical Department and School of Architecture Construction Lecturer, took part in the Architecture Now lecture series organized by Arquinfad at the Trespa Design Centre in Barcelona. Sarrablo spoke along with Marc Chalamanch and Miquel Lacasta, partners at Archikubik architectural studio. Miquel Lacasta is also a Final Degree Project lecturer at the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture.

The team members of the architectural studios of the UIC Barcelona lecturers participated in these two-handed talks on projects signed by their studios: “Extension of the La Llena Equestrian Centre” by Sarrablo y Colom Arquitectos and “Saint-Roch Car Park, Montpellier” by Archikubik.

Sarrablo explained how the studio had mastered the very different materials used in various projects through consistent collaboration with the construction industry. Marc Chalamanch presented the project for the Saint-Roch Car Park in Montpellier. The studio won the tender in 2012 and this project is now in construction. The façade will be created using Flexibrick, a ceramic material designed by Vicenç Sarrablo.

Architecture Now is a lecture series that aims to become a meeting point and centre of debate for architecture professionals in Catalonia through a series of two-way conferences given by architects with a similar approach to the projects they take on. The programme is organized by Arquinfad at the Trespa Design Centre in Barcelona and curated by Catalan architect Eugeni Bach.