
UIC Barcelona scores highest for “Regional Engagement” in the U-Multirank international ranking

UIC Barcelona has been ranked as the best university in Spain, Europe and around the world for its regional engagement, according to the results of the 7th U-Multirank international ranking.

On Tuesday 9 June, U-Multirank published the results of their 7th ranking that compares a total of 1,786 universities from 92 countries across the world. They reveal UIC Barcelona to be the best university in terms of regional engagement, having been awarded three points more than last year and ranking first place among all participating universities from around the world.
The university also achieved a high institutional ranking, coming in at 185th out of the 1070 participating universities from Europe, and ranking 11th out of the 79 Spanish university institutions. 
In terms of specific areas of knowledge, UIC Barcelona ranked 13th out of the 55 participating Spanish universities in the area of Business Administration and Management.
U-Multirank is a multi-dimensional, international ranking of higher education institutions, which is promoted by the European Union and enables comparisons at the level of the university as a whole and at the level of specific study programmes. What’s more, students also have the chance to create personalised rankings according to indicators that cover five different dimensions; teaching and learning, research, knowledge transfer, international orientation and regional engagement.